Before I really get into this review I'd just like to point out, when you've got a band as good as Tormenter they really should change their name to Tormentör, but that just might be a matter of personal preference. The point is that Tormenter stand out to me because they represent this perfect amalgamation of a breadth of elements of thrash metal with a vocalist who seems like some sort of demented lovechild of Chuck Schuldiner and Zetro, Tormenter have come through with one of the most exciting thrash records of the year.
Though Prophetic Deceiver sees the band acknowledging a lot of classic thrash tropes they certainly are doing exciting stuff within the genre. The riffs are highly technical and will leave your head spinning. Meanwhile, the crazed almost epic nature of the songwriting helps to make things quasi-anthemic and adds an aura of magic to the band. Their ability to balance different paradigms to build what is essentially the perfect thrash metal sound is stunning. The thing is though, Prophetic Deceiver might actually get a little too ambitious at times, yet even this is only an issue that will resolve with more experience.
The fact of the matter is that Tormenter have just crafted one of the best thrash records of the year, bringing the genre forward whilst simultaneously hailing the old masters. This is where thrash metal needs to go, this record is fun but also shockingly technical and brutal. It can be a thinking man's record, but if you just want to have a good time and stage dive with your buddies Tormenter can do that too. What I'm saying is that Tormenter have created thrash that is borderline transcendent and has the potential to change the face of the genre.
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