I just recently found out about Gygax through stalking the Gypsyhawk Facebook page for no other reason than that I used to love that band and was desperately hoping they had decided to do more stuff. What I got was pretty much as good - half the band, including the vocalist has gotten together with a pair of other musicians to put out some top notch Thin Lizzy worship that mixes enough other stuff to remain interesting. There's a reason that I listened to this album three times in a row upon opening it - it's simply that good.
Despite the fact that - yeah Gygax does have some very Gypsyhawk-esque moments the band stands for so much more than just that. I mean - yeah if Gypsyhawk had put out an album very similar to Critical Hits I would not be to surprised - but the beauty of Gygax is that they are distinctly different from their predecessors. The emphasis on flashy guitars and fantasy lyrics helps to make the album distinctly fun and gives a wonderful sense of rock and roll domination to the record. There is something distinctly singable about the high powered guitar playing on a song like Chain Lightning that establishes these tracks as anthems for a new generation.
So yes - Gygax is really really nerdy, but what more could expect from a band named after the creator of Dungeons and Dragons? As is Gygax are a hell of a lot of fun and have an incredible future laying before them if they can manage to strive forward and build a better tomorrow for themselves. Gygax have the potential and the market to dominate their scene - simply because they are better than 99% of the other shit that passes for rock and roll these days. Gygax are, more than anything else, real you can feel the authenticity in every guitarmony, so hop in your GTO and roll on down the highway - Gygax are here to bring the riffs.
Find them on Facebook!
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