Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Scythia - Lineage

Scythia have been doing cool stuff in the folk metal polemic for a few years now. There is something wonderfully exciting about their balls out assault and strong songwriting. Sure, the execution isn't fully there yet, but Scythia are certainly on to something greater. Lineage is an album that is going to capture your imagination and allow you to traverse hyperborean landscapes. After all - with angular riffs, and a tight mix of cleans and growls, Scythia understand what heavy metal is really supposed to be about.

Lineage is at its best at its most grandiose. When the band embraces the otherworldly aspects of their music and proves definitively how goddamn good they are you can't help but embrace the sounds. The dudes are clearly talented and the bombast of their compositions is far too fun. Toss in a few flashy guitar solos here and there and you get a sense for who Scythia are and what they are trying to do. In terms of Blind Guardian/old school power metal worship the band is practically without peer. In a world where there are far too few good power metal bands, Scythia are keeping the genre alive in all of its folky magic.

Scythia understand the symphonic magic that this kind of music needs to have, and there is something kind of charming about the way they storm forward. Lineage is powerful because it reflects on the bands heritage and all that they stand for. Four albums into their career and with perhaps more buzz than ever before the band has been able to refine something that takes their sound to the next level. And yet I get the impression this is only the beginning - who knows where this band can grow next?

Find them on Facebook!

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