True Widow come from the same school of fuzzed out doom that defines bands like Windhand. Sure there music may have a bit more of a rock and roll vibe but there is something distinctly, and wonderfully stoned about this band - there latest offering Avvolgere is the same sort of spacey magic that made this scene so great in the first place. Of course - True Widow being as great as they are they manage to take the whole genre forward with them rather than wallowing in tired and boring old tropes.
I think the thing that sets True Widow apart is their willingness to dip into punk rock madness, it provides an interesting reprieve from the more fuzzed out and stoner-tastic moments that define so much of this record. Rather than get lost in what could quite frankly urn into a circle jerk True Widow show an admiration for the power of the riff in no matter what form it happens to take. They understand the fundamental concept of the genre and have the sort of mastery over the music that they can make it work no matter what context you throw them in. It's rare that you find a band with this level of sheer skill - but True Widow execute their brand of fuzz rock with aplomb.
Sure at times it becomes a little hard to focus on the music because they are so lost in their own fuzzy absolutions but at the same time I kind of love them for that. It shows me that Avvolgere is the face of a new genre and hints at greater things to come. It reminds us that this isn't just rock and roll for the here and now but also for a better and stronger tomorrow. Avvolgere is going to make you question your understanding of music and lets you dip into all sides of a wonderfully bizarre genre - one that True Widow have down pat.
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