Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Amenra - Mass VI

So one of my favorite bands in the world is back once again, dishing out the wild post metal madness as the deeply emotional waves of sound wash over you and transport you to a far stranger world than you might have ever imagined. There has always been a depth to Amenra's music that few of their peers can match, and even at their listening party in Brooklyn you could tell that people were starting to freak out over the record. Now that the press world is starting to kick off one can't help but feel a massive shakeup coming.

Mass VI immediately draws you in with massive guitar sounds and a ritualistic sense of power behind the whole thing. The emotional depth of this record is nearly unmatched with anything else coming out this year, and it's a serious step forward for Amenra as a band. The level to which they have pushed themselves in the five long years since their last full length Mass V was only hinted at in the splits. Now that they have a chance to really let the music breathe it becomes clear that this band is ready to take the crown. This is what post metal was always meant to be about and it's impossible to separate yourself from the potency within.

Getting lost in the beauty of Amenra is an impossibly easy task. When the music comes in larger than life packages like it does here and when the concepts presented are this grandiose it can't help but to trickle down into your soul. Mass VI is the joyful noise of a band who have taken the world by storm and are reveling in the madness and beauty of it all. They have risen from their sorrows to create some of the great art of our age. Sure it's going to take you a bunch of listens to properly understand, but if you're not willing to take the time then this band simply isn't for you.

Find them on Facebook!

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