Crypts Of Despair are a Lithuanian death metal band who just do it right. Their sound is utterly monstrous, and this new album, All Light Swallowed is a borderline terrifying offering. The chaotic invocations of the band are stunning and speak to a group of songwriters who really understand the sensibilities behind great death metal. This is a record that will capture the imagination and it is a delight to really sink your teeth into their triumphant ongoing blasphemies. Sinking your teeth into this abomination is a pleasure.
As a general rule the arrangements on All Light Swallowed border on the flawless. The weird atmospherics of a track like 'Choked By The Void' are a fitting counterbalance to the punch in the gut that is the introduction to 'Condemned To Life.' The sense of ferocity and terror these tracks is delicious. There is an intensity here, a sense of despair that really makes for an exciting offering. Crypts Of Despair have found a way to make their Gorguts and Incantation fueled brand of old school death metal still feel fresh and exciting. They build on a decades old format, but it still fucking rules and proves there is still stuff to be done.
There isn't a lot of death metal that I hear coming out of Lithuania. In fact part of why I value their label, Transcending Obscurity so much is their willingness to take risks on bands that are not from established metal countries. It's really cool to ig into what these Lithuanians have to offer and realize that in many ways what they are doing is better than the home grown product. Join me in moshing your face off to the heavy riffing madness of All Light Swallowed and prepare to get your face ripped clean off.
Pre-order the album!
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