Kryptik Mutation are a gore obsessed death metal band who deliver things with a sort of 1990s panache that is incredibly charming and fun to lose yourself in. There's not a lot of bands that have this same level of bloodthirst and joy in their assault the way Kryptik Mutation have. From the hectic album art to the manic riffs within, this record is a goddamn blast and sinking your teeth into the album will have you reveling in the murk time and time again. It's a delight to really hear the bone crunching magic of these songs.
Pulled From The Pit delights in its sort of blasphemous tendencies and the desire to unveil increasingly twisted ministrations. It's a release that revels in the sort of bloodthirsty splatterthrash that helped make so many of those gore bands so good. So yes, the drums sound fake, but the playing is tight as hell and the vibes are ripped straight from the 90s. Pulled From The Pit delights in its ability to just keep bringing the anger and the delicious playing on a track like 'Sacrifice To Pulverize' is a pleasure to really immerse yourself in. Kryptik Mutation have come at it hard and fast on this offering, and its the sort of thing longhairs across the world will love.
So yeah, this is not a band who are reinventing the steel. This is a band who are playing death fucking metal at a million miles an hour and who are going to rip your head off and use it as a bowling ball. Kryptik Mutation do a monster job of crafting devilish sounds and bringing the hard moshing insanity on Pulled From The Pit. If you are looking for a record that pulls from classic sounds and continually seems to slam towards greater heights, then this is going to be a fun listen for you that keeps you thrashing to the end.
Pre-order the album!
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