Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, March 11, 2022

Absent In Body - Plague God

Well this is an absolute crusher. The collaboration between Neurosis and Amenra has been, if we're being honest, long overdue. These are two of the premier post metal bands in the world and both have touched the lives of countless fans across the world. So it makes sense that when Neurosis frontman Scott Kelly comes to collaborate with Mathieu Vandekerckhove and Colin Van Eeckhout the end product would be spectacular. Especially when you add in the incredible and monumental drumming from the one and only Iggor Cavalera. 

The point being - this record is fucking incredible. It's one of the most exciting collaborations I have ever heard, deeply emotional and pushing beyond the boundaries of any of the artists involved's work. The capacity to fuse post metal and doom is truly elite. It showcases the musicians pushing their performances to their limits. In particular the vocal work from both Kelly and Van Eeckhout is incredible, showcasing both musicians at their absolute peak. The drumming of Iggor Cavalera is a phenomenal additional layer to the fray. It is far from the thrash and death metal of his youth. Instead it is slow and ominous, a crushing lesson in what makes for a stunning post metal or doom performance. 

Absent In Body will crush your soul. Plague God is an early contender for album of the year, even in what is shaping to be a banner year for heavy music. This record stuns and every step further you take into it the more clear it becomes just how talented and visionary the band is. This is an album that draws from the darkest parts of the soul and reveals sublime, bleak truths about some of the greatest artists in heavy music today. Turning it all the way up and experiencing this twisted vision at its fullest is going to leave you completely in awe.

Pre-order the album!

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