Chuck Schuldiner Project

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

R.A.M.B.O - Defy Extinction


Now this one is a blast. R.A.M.B.O are Philly hardcore gods, masters of the genre back in the day who have now returned after fifteen years with what is likely their strongest record to date. Defy Extinction is a raw nerve of punk rock energy. It's a record focused on environmentalism and tearing down oppressive systems that choke all of us out. Over the top and endlessly exciting, this is a hardcore devotees hardcore record. It's proud to wear its influences on its sleeve and speak to the eternal power of this genre that we devout our lives too. 

Defy Extinction is thrilling in its delivery and audacity .Though the band don't really stray from too many classic hardcore tropes, it's clear that they are really goddamn good at what they do. This is a record that uses its primal energy as a blunt force object to crack open skulls and very deliberately force listeners to confront the environmental horrors that so many of us have to deal with every day, all with the looming understanding that it's only going to get worse. It's a record that speaks to the thrill of this music, the gut wrenching fun and the sense of chaos that defines the mosh pit as you find yourself getting lost in the madness. 

R.A.M.B.O have proven that they are still the kings of Philly hardcore. Their music is as abrasive and exciting as ever, and the intervening years have only deepened their understanding of hardcore music. This is Philly hardcore done loud and proud at a million miles an hour and guaranteed to get you stoked. R.A.M.B.O understand the eternal power of the underground and all that they have accomplished. You owe it to yourself to turn this one up!

Pre-order the album!

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