Chuck Schuldiner Project

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Tilintetgjort - In Death I Shall Arise

Tilintetgjort are a band apart. They play black metal, but with some many interesting frills and variations it's hard to really call it purely that. Their new album In Death I Shall Arise is blisteringly twisted, taking in exciting variations on classic ideas and reinvigorating them with unique production choices and avant garde ideas. Yet far from being an 'artsier than thou' black metal record, this is an album that very much stays true to the classic history of the genre and isn't going to immediately alienate listeners by being too 'out there'. 

In Death I Shall Arise is compelling because of the daring sonic choices they make. This means everything from 20 minute closing tracks to the use of unexpected sounds to craft a piece that borders on the terrifying. Tilintetgjort have a thrilling vision that makes this offering exciting, and their willingness to draw from multiple different schools of thought really speaks to their capabilities as creators. It's hard not to be charmed by the way the band eagerly seeks to undo the threads of reality and force listeners to experience the bleakest aspects of the sound that draws so many of us together, in wholly new and interesting ways. 

While not all of the experiments on In Death I Shall Arise are executed to perfection, and some of the ideas seem a touch misguided, as a general rule, Tilintetgjort have managed to push the needle if nothing else. I admire their willingness to embrace that which is hard to listen too in the name of trying to break new sonic ground, and it's done with a seriousness and approach that is far beyond so many of their peers in the scene. In Death I Shall Arise may not conform to past expectations, but it is a stunner regardless, and worth a listen. 

Pre-order the album!

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