Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, March 3, 2023

Woe Unto Me - Along The Meandering Ordeals, Reshape The Pivot Of Harmony

This is a crusher. The world of melodic doom metal has been in an interesting state of flux lately. It feels like the endless waves of Orange Amp using, Les Paul wielding bands are finally starting to fade away and more stately, classic feeling doom is coming back to the fore. such is the case with Woe Is Me, whose new album Along The Meandering Ordeals, Reshape The Pivot Of Harmony (Say that 3 times fast!) is an old school crusher that is transcendent in its power and mystical in the vision that it brings to the table for eager listeners. 

Along The Meandering Ordeals, Reshape The Pivot Of Harmony impresses because of how massive these songs feel. A track like "Mired Down In The Innermost Thicket" fills every one of its twelve minutes with sumptuous art doom. that has clear momentum, potent harmonies and guitar melodies that are to die for. Rather than falling victim to easy tropes or trying to be 'meditative' Woe Unto Me find a way to make their brand of doom especially crushing and just a little bit terrifying. There is an existential sorrow that fuels the band and makes this album a particularly compelling one, a record that seems to eagerly press into the breach and charm listeners. 

Woe Unto Me have distilled the magic of a very particular era of doom, the period when bands like Pallbearer and Subrosa were really at their peak, and turned it into something larger than life. Along The Meandering Ordeals, Reshape The Pivot Of Harmony adds to this legacy and speaks to all that doom metal can still be. In a soundworld shaped by crushing riffs and grandiose visions, Woe Unto Me are like few others with a vision that is potent and endlessly charming. This is a record that I could see resonating for fans of Yob and Woods of Ypres for years to come!

Pre-order the album!

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