Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, May 26, 2023

Porta Nigra - Weltende


Blazing avant garde extreme metal madness has long been Porta Nigra's mandate. Their apocalyptic sound and obsession with war has made these deeply theatrical and wonderfully bombastic German metal masters favorites within the scene for those who love stentorian and distinctly martial music. The bands fourth album, Weltend is a fitting development on a sound that has been germinating for a decade now, and this release is their most dynamic and deeply, fascinatingly engaging offering to date. It's intimidating and gloriously blasphemous. 

Porta Nigra's willingness to immerse themselves in darkness is impressive. The German language voice overs that intercede on many tracks of this album only add to a sense of almost autocratic terror looming over the project. One gets the sense they've been locked up and are desperately trying to find their way out of the madness. Weltende speaks to the terrifying power of war, and the crippling sonic blows that Porta Nigra deal left and right only add to the death defying assault that has helped to define what this band is all about. Weltende is black metal done to make listeners confront their own darkest aspects of their humanity, and it is glorious. 

Weltende is the distinctly martial, surprisingly adventurous offering that you need to get you through to the weekend. Porta Nigra have a very clear warlike and dystopian vision on this album and as you hear the world collapsing around your ears under a storm of riffs and blast beats, it becomes increasingly clear just how talented thesem usicians are and exactly what their execution has been able to unveil. If you're looking for black metal that nicely builds on so many demented visions behind the genre, then this is for you.

Pre-order the album!

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