Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, October 12, 2023

On Thorns I Lay - S/T


Death doom is a genre that seems to be in ascendance right now. On Thorns I Lay have been doing it for 28 years and have seen this genre through its many ebbs and flows, this latest, self titled offering is unique and acts as a valuable next step in a nearly thirty year career as practitioners of the heaviest and darkest brand of death metal. On Thorns I Lay sees the band showcasing their sound across six crushing tracks forcing us all to come to terms with the crippling heaviness and distinct vision that has helped to craft this bands career. 

This many years in On Thorns I Lay have a pretty clear formula, with gorgeous guitar tones, sweeping melodies and monumental production. This record, the bands tenth, sees them as articulate as ever. A lifetime of experience has gone to craft something that is sure to decorate countless year end lists for 2023. On Thorns I Lay understand what makes death doom so special and have found ways to keep adding on to their sound decades into their career. It seems clear that now more than ever On Thorns I Lay are at their songwriting peak, crafting epics that feel larger than life, but which never spill much over the 8 minute mark. 

On Thorns I Lay is a perfect testimony to all the band has accomplished since 1995. They have a sound and vision that is wholly theirs, powerful, beautiful and at best transcendent. The thing about death doom is that at its best it seems like a much more grandiose and almost sacred form of metal. On Thorns I Lay lean into that on this album and it becomes impossible to turn off or pull yourself away from the story and vision they craft. Join me and become swamped in the myriad ways they find to leave us in awe of their latest, and perhaps greatest creation.

Pre-order the album!

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