Chuck Schuldiner Project

Friday, February 16, 2024

Ponte Del Diavolo - Fire Blades From the Tomb

Fire Blades From The Tomb is the debut from Ponte Del Diavolo. It's an interesting record to say the least, one that fuses doom metal with black metal along with clear influences from darkwave and other genres. The end result is not your typical blackened doom release, but rather an album that focuses on enchanting vocals, melodic bass lines and overarchingly occult vibes. This is a mystical and exciting release, an album that demands multiple listens and which eagerly dances from sonic peak to sonic peak, indulging listeners in something darker and transcendent. 

Ponte Del Diavolo have found a unique way to express their vision. It's a distinctive take on the genre and one that I think will serve the band well. I always find it interesting when artists are able to create something that takes a lot of familiar elements but executes on them in a unique way. There is a distinct sense of aplomb that drives Fire Blades From The Tomb, an audacious sense of vision that makes this a wonderfully exciting, relentlessly passionate album. They've distilled some of the core elements that make this such a compelling offering and thrill listeners by doubling down on an eerie, otherworldly vision. 

Distinctly Italian, wonderfully occult and distinctly evil, Ponte Del Diavolo are a group who I think people are going to gravitate towards for years to come. This is is a fresh take on black and doom metal that is truly exciting and I think will be able to get a whole swathe of new people digging into the genre and understanding its strange and varied intricacies. Indulge for yourself and walk down a path of evil. There's few albums out there like this one and watching this band evolve is going to be a delight. 

Pre-order the album!

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