Chuck Schuldiner Project

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Wasted Death - Season Of Evil


Chaotic, hellish and wonderfully over the top Wasted Death capture the magic of death metal chaos on their new album, Season Of Evil. This is a record that leans into so many classic death metal tropes from the cover art to the production by way of the chainsaw guitars and incredibly manic, almost tortured vocals. It's counterbalanced though with some interesting sludge elements reminiscent of acts like Melvins. The wall of sound that beats you over the head with every minute of this record is delectable and the short songs keep you coming back curious for more. Wasted Death have a clear obsession with old school death metal and the end result is a wonderfully raw, weird and pummeling sonic assault. 

Season Of Evil is a crusher, make no bones about it. It's hard not to be thrilled with the unending madness that they bring out time and time again. This is a fun record to be sure, but also one that can still impress with the legion of riffs and some of the atmospheres the band creates. Wasted Death find a truly exciting and very fun balance between old school death metal ferocity with sprinkles of sludge and stoner metal done in such a way that Season Of Evil certainly merits repeat listens. Dive in soon for yourself when it drops March 15th!

Pre-order the album!

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