What I really liked about El Doom & the Born Electric was their lead singers attitude and energy. Even though he is pretty old (the father of one of Kvelertaks guitarists!) his music had an earthy power to it that pulsed through the music. The band had lots of juicy riffs and their crunchy progressive style fit nicely into El Dooms manic and unholy benedictions. The vibe that they gave off was excellent, and I felt that their set was far too short. I'd like to see them live for longer in the future. As a whole, the doomy Soundgarden vibe mixed with the heavy riffing allowed El Doom & the Born Electric to stand out as a strong live act I would go to see again in a heartbeat.
Truckfighters, the second band of the night, easily surpassed El Doom & the Born Electrics valiant efforts. Filled with a passion for rock and roll their set was a ton of fun from start to finish. They guys in Truckfighters, especially their guitarist, seem to be natural born rock stars. Their was an ambiance that I rarely get to experience, they felt like living legends. Their swagger and hectic attitude on stage showed that they are ready to bring their music to the next level. It was great to see a band who clearly have the potential to become rock gods. Having started the pit up, I sensed that they had nicely set the groundwork up for the destructive power of Kvelertak. So began the long pause between sets.
And then the real rock gods came on. Kvelertak, Norwegian rock geniuses whose popularity is in full crescendo. Their high powered rock and roll sound had the mosh pit going strong for their full hour long set. Never have I stage dived so much in my life. At any given moment their were three or four crowd surfers and the mosh pit was absolutely wild. Completely tight on stage, their antics were magnificent. The multiple stage dives from several band members made a special connection with the crowd. And that is what makes this Kvelertak show so memorable and good for me. Sure they are tight on stage and have great songs. But the fact of the matter is that they CONNECT. From allowing stage diving from the first song to the massive stage rush at the end Kvelertak know how to put on a show that appeals to the people.
In conclusion, I will now do everything I can to attend as many Kvelertak shows as humanly possible. They create a complete party that fully engrosses every member of the audience. After the show, dozens of audience members were claiming this was the best gig of their lives, and I have to agree with them. Yet it should be remembered that El Doom & the Born Electric were very tasty and I'm psyched to review their promo this week. Meanwhile also recall that, Truckfighters are clearly aspiring rock legends who understand the magic of rock and roll. Yet it is Kvertelak who are the best showmen, who connect with the audience and force them to love their music. They brought down the house and I can not wait until I get to go see them again!
Find all three bands on Facebook!
El Doom & the Born Electric
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